Chinese herbal medicine: translucent white quartz

Mon May 30 2022 Kerry Lee

Medicinal name: translucent white quartz
Harvesting and processing: After harvesting, select pure white quartz.
Medicinal parts: whole
Place of Origin: Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hubei, Fujian, Shaanxi, etc.
Family: Quartz is an oxide mineral
Main ingredient: silica

Trigonal crystal system. The crystal is hexagonal columnar, with horizontal stripes on the crystal surface of the column, and it is often produced in aggregates such as clusters and granules. The color is colorless or white. Due to the impurities contained, the crystals often show various colors, such as light red, smoke, and purple. Streaks white. The crystal has a vitreous luster, and the block has an oily luster with different luster intensities. Transparent to translucent, there are also opaque ones. The fracture is conchoidal, or uneven and uneven. Hardness 7. Specific gravity 2.65. Crispy. With pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties.
Properties of translucent white quartz decoction pieces: This product is a hexagonal columnar or coarse-grained aggregate, with irregular block shape, mostly angular and sharp. White or off-white; streaks white. The surface is uneven, translucent to opaque, with a fat-like luster. It is heavy and hard, and can be scratched into glass; after smashing, the section is not flat. Gas micro, tasteless.
The color is white, bright and clean, free of variegated colors and impurities.
translucent white quartz Properties:
"Sweet and slightly warm, it is mainly used for quenching thirst, yin deficiency and insufficiency of cough, long-term cold between the diaphragm and qi to remove rheumatism, long-term wear to lighten the body and prolong life. The shape is like amethyst, and the elder of Bai Ze is two or three inches.
[Indications] Lung and large intestine are dry, treat pulmonary atrophy, lung carbuncle and thirst.
[Zhenquan] Treats lung abscess, vomiting pus, coughing up the air, and jaundice.
[Good ancient] Real large intestine.
【Dosage】Two to three money is used for ordinary frying, and it is used for burning.
[Taboo] Do not take it for a long time. Kou said that the purple and white two quartz can be boiled temporarily for attacking diseases. I have not heard the benefit of taking it for a long time.
[Processing] Pick up the impurities, brush off the dust, smash it, put it in an iron pot, calcine it thoroughly, pour it into vinegar to quench it while it's hot, take it out, dry it in the sun, and grind it into powder. "
"[Processing] 1.translucent white quartz: washed, sun-dried, and smashed.
2. Calcined translucent white quartz: Take the net translucent white quartz and smash it, put it in a crucible, put it in a smokeless fire to calcine it red, take it out, let it cool, and grind it finely. There are also vinegar calciners. Put translucent white quartz in a crucible, calcine it in a smokeless furnace until it becomes red and transparent, pour it into vinegar to quench it, take it out and quench it again, and dry it. (100 jins of translucent white quartz, 20 jins of vinegar) 3. "Introduction to Medicine": translucent white quartz, quenched seven times with fire-calcined vinegar, and used for water flying.
[nature and flavor] sweet; pungent; warm; non-toxic
【Return to Meridian】 Lung; Kidney; Heart Meridian
【Functions and indications】 Warm the lungs and kidneys; reassure the mind; facilitate urination. Mainly lung cold, cough and asthma; impotence; thirst; restlessness; palpitation and forgetfulness; dysuria; jaundice; stone water; wind-cold-dampness arthralgia
【Usage and Dosage】 Oral: decoction, 3-5 money; or into pills, powder.
[Note] "Depei Materia Medica": if you take it for a long time, your vitality will sink. "

Chinese herbal medicine: translucent white quartz